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If I want to complain, I'm gonna complain, got it ?




     It’s been more than 3 months since my last Rant, but who cares!


     The name is fR0ZEN and I’m here to complain!


     So, I was at the public library today (go read a book, fool!) and I had one huge surprise. You see, we have computers with internet connection at the library and one guy (one foreign guy I must add) was visiting Right then, a war began inside me.


      On one side, there was joy of seeing people in my town visiting Newgrounds. On the other, there was the frustration of seeing people don’t go to libraries to read anymore, THEY GO TO FUCKING SURF ON THE FUCKING WEB!!! Sorry about that…


     What’s happening to our culture? The few intelligent people who have a future in schools are getting the hell beaten out of them by some dumb football captain getting a scholarship to continue his studies, scholarship that the smart guy doesn’t get! Get the picture?


     But this isn’t happening only in schools. Today, what’s the image we get of artists? Snobs who only like what’s provocative and who think that they’re superior to the puny “average” people. But are they really like that? NO! Artists are normal people like you and me (oh wait, I’m an artist too…). We see an interest in art, literature, theatre, foreign cinema, etc. as a sign of “braininess”, which is a terrible thing. Come on people, we’re supposed to be the land of the free, so why don’t we respect these form of art?


     Now, I’m not saying that Newgrounds is a dumb website, because it has a lot of quality animations (Los Dias Sin Dias, Bitey of Brackenwood, Shadow Govt. Puppet Show, the list is too long). But every medal has a bad side (uh…is this the expression?), because the most successful animations remain Retarded Animal Babies, Hentaď or Dress-Up Games, anything with boobs involved, etc.


     So people, go grab a book or go see an Canadian movie (they’re the best!) and say to yourself : “This can’t be as bad as Fast and Furious, 2 Fast and 2 Furious, XXX or whatever movie associated with the name Neal Moritz or Vin Diesel.”



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